first of, irritatingly i agreed with the first bit, until i scrolled down and saw the pic of the guy in question. to save you titting about I have copied the pic. here he is.
Now I dont know about you. But I would KILL for a torso like that. Is it an american thing that unless u have a body like a supermodel you're considered fat?
The guy then goes on to make general points as to why gays hate their bodies.
- Because we are surrounded by images of perfect bodies. - True dat. I agree
- Because we compare ourselves to our partners - True dat. I agree
- The guys in the shower pic. - Well I suspect that if you live in west hollywood and your in a gym you would see bodies like that. I very rarley see a bodies like that in the showers at the gym. But thats mainly because I live in kent and not West Hollywood.
- Because the barmen is cute. Yes this is true. I was recently incidentally applying for a job as a barman. ( I am an EXPERIANCED bar man. Who worked in a very busy bar for years. I ran a bar! Could have done this job hands down.) I popped my C.V in to the bar who was advertising and he said he'd look at it and get back to me. He never got back to me. Incidentally I went back to said bar, about 2 weeks later. There was this kid behind the bar (i'd guess 18 years old max.) and he looked something like this:
Yes he was pretty. I'll give him that. He was slimmer than me (in a sort of boring permatanned ken-doll sort of way). BUT he was a shit barman. Hopeless. But the owner of the bar obviousy didnt want an experianced barman behind the bar, he wanted somone younger and slimmer than me. Someone who would be something "Pretty for the punters to look at." (Landlords words not mine.)
5. Because gay people are more successful than other people, which
makes them more competitive, with each other, which makes them
more competitive about what their bodies look like
This is where the sweeping untrue generalisations begin i'm afraid. lets read that quote again shall we? quote being highlighted.
"Let’s face it, Gay people are better at life than straight people."
Really? REALLY? untrue. I'm a big exception to the rule as, I'm single broke and unemployed.
"They eat better, wear better clothes, and go on more glamourous vacations." ok I probably do eat healthier than the average person, (dont eat butter,white bread,fast food, fizzy drinks often.)Er glamerous vacations!?!?!? My last holiday was with my parents in turkey. And I had to share a room with my sister and her boyfreind. Hardly screams glamour does it!
"I don’t really know why, it’s just a fact of life." no its NOT!
"But with this great privilege comes a great burden. Not only do we have to make tons of money to pay for all these stupid clothes and vacations, we also have to work out for hours on only 80 calories a day to prevent ourselves from being socially ostracized." If you went to the gym and worked out for "hours" on only 80 calories a day I am pretty ceartain you would probably die.
6. "Because we are always running around with our shirts off." Are we? I have a PHOBIA of being topless in public. It has to be unbearably hot for me to take my t shirt or vest of on a summer day. even though I am quite slim. I have no idea why. I think it has something to do with me being embarrased about having my nipples out. I have no idea why.
7. Fear. Fear of being alone. i.e if I dont have a tight six pack then no one will never love me. If I thought this I would never eat anything!
this brings me onto I think my biggest point.
no I dont eat butter, no I dont eat crisps or alot of chocolate. yes I work out ususally 4 times a week. Yes I walk everywhere. Yes I have cut down dramaticlly on booze. Yes I want a nicer body. Yes I want less body fat (does anyone not?) But ultimatley. Yes I might be more attractive as a mate if I ever got my tight six pack.
But would it make me any HAPPIER? maybe? maybe not?
I'm sure a life where I never got to eat ANY chocolate or biccies as a treat wuld be very dull. I'm sure I'd be less happy. And whats worse than dating someone with a slim figure but who may not have a six pack? well I'll tell you
DATING SOMEONE WHO IS JUST PLAIN MISERABLE because they NEVER allow themselves the treats and sweet things that for me ultimatley make life worth while.
Be interested to see comments from people who read this.
Much love.
M. X
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