Wednesday, 9 May 2012

breathe and reboot

hola comrades.

OK so the constant rain has stopped. Thank god. (Or at least for now.)

A wet bank holiday and being dumped, made for a distinctly average bank weekend.

God being dumped is humiliating isn't it. Especially when you know in your heart of hearts that you should have had the self confidence to get in there first and nip it in the bud a week earlier.

But alas no.

I'm Mr "Hang on in there, things may be about to change." But they never do really do they. Isually when you smell a rat. It is, in fact because there is a dead rat in the vicinity.

So yea there we go. Not heartbroken to be honest, just a bit disappointed.
It happens.

I think in light of arrival of summer and new shiny singledom update of image is needed. New hair cut/colour shall occour over the weekend along with a new piercing. I always think a change of image breathes new life into you. It changes the way the world sees you. And most importantly how you see yourself. Pics to follow.

Soooooooooo apart from that i had a good old smash up with my dear friend heather, she is lush. We drank, we talked, we drank, we ate chips, we got a taxi home. I had a very sinister but well earnt hangover on Monday.

In my last blog i said about how much i was looking forward to the new gossip album. Its not out yet but you can listenn to it streamed on the guardian website here. I think its a good album. Track number 8 is particularly RELEVANT. I think possibly the previous two albums had a harder punkier edge, but this album is certainly one of their more streamlined accessible albums. Overall a job well done. It flows very well and there are moments of pure joy. a joyful noise it really is.

Still twitching bout the scissor sisters release next week, bring it on.

I have also been embroidering onto my jacket which is coming along nicely.

It really is very satisfying work. Will defiantly do more of this in the future.

Also i managed to finally make the perfect poached eggs. My sister gave me a masterclass as hers were amazing, here are the ones i made, with coffee from a proper plunger-coffee thing,

wholemeal seeded bread no butter thankyou very much.

I heard somewhere that butter is one molecule away from plastic, a fact that i just googled and is by all acounts untrue. It did say however that a spoon of either is equal to like 100 calories. So thats 700 calories a week i can save by not eating something that is basicly only habbit anyways. Have a biccie instead, at leat biccies are honest. you KNOW they'll make you fat.

My mother bought a packet of chocolate hobnobs the other day.
How may calories are there in ONE?

Dont know well i'll tell you.


Thats 7-8 minites on a treadmill people.
I cant justify the biccy intake like i used to.

Damn my unabashedly sweet tooth!

The butter and the less biccies are some of the ways i'm trying to be super careful with my diet. Combined with going to the gym, not drinking carbonated drinks, walking alot, and persevering with the gym and doing the free weights.

Toning up is so tough.

Though it will be worth it in the summer tho.


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