Ok, don't look now but I think we have now had what I call two "textbook sunny" days.
This makes me happy,
Bar-b-q-ing with my sister, burning stuff in her wood burner, doing a bit of gardening with her, whilst drinking Lambrini and listening to xfm. Yea I've had worse days if I'm honest.
Pre bar-b-q-ing there was two solid hours of looking for and applying for jobs.
Which lets face it isn't as straight forward as it used to be. Remember the good old days where you just photocopied your CV and dropped one in every shop in your high street. That got me a job nine times out of ten. Oh no not these days, do that now and they wont have it. You have to do it all on line. Which is far more time consuming. You have to google who you want to work for and go to the careers bit and look for vacancies, but alas no. None in this area and so hence you fill in the thing with your email address. Only for them to spend the day emailing me lots of jobs I'd love, but jobs nowhere near me. The swines.
After my two hour of job hunting it was gym time.
Am loving the gym at the moment. Its got to the point now where my body has got very used to its regular workouts. If i go more than say four days without one i feel my body start to yearn for exercise. It doesn't seem like such hard work, which i suppose is why you have to keep upping your exercises and changing the weights you lift. I have been going to the gym for two solid years now. I wish now I'd taken some photographs to compare and contrast what i look like now.
I know the diet you should be eating, (and i think 85 percent of the time I eat a pretty healthy and stringent diet. I've read allot of articles. I've seen exercise programmes. I've learnt of other people copying some parts of other peoples workout programmes.
All of this learning and adapting, this research and planning of exercises have and will continue to not change one fundamental thing in me.
I love sweet things
Yogurts, Chocolate, Biscuits, Cake........
Before i started the gym i used to be one of those people who idea of a treat was walking to the shop, buying 2 packets of double chip Maryland cookies and eating them in one sitting. Dunking each one lovingly in full cream milk. (a pint of)
Not only did i used to do this on a VERY regular basis. But i also didn't consider the amount of calories that was in one go. But most importantly. I enjoyed it enough that i in NO WAY FELT EVEN SLIGHTLY GUILTY.
Thinking about this now is bizarre.
I haven't done that for a very long time. I had a couple of biscuit binges this year, two stand out. it was more about trying to cheer myself up than greed. it didn't work. you finish off the packet and feel so guilty.
I still eat biscuits don't get me wrong. But now I'll have say four or 5 biccies dipped in just enough semi skimmed milk to cover them. Which i consider to be almost saintly behaviour given my previous biscuit indulgences.
My mother tells me a little of what you fancy does you good, which i suppose in theory. But i find the will power to take a couple of biscuits and put the rest back hard to bare. It is mainly because i live with my parents.
My mum buys an alarming amount of cakes sweet crisps chocolate and sweet goods. All stored in the naughty cupboard next to the microwave. I've been living back at home for about seven months. I had forgotten the naughty cupboard was this naughty. My dad is a gardener and after dinner sits in front of the tele with the biscuit tin and a cup of coffee. he'll do a packet of crisps nay bother. my mum says he needs the extra calories because his job is so physically deamanding. time will tell i suppose.
In my old house I'd have one packet of biscuits in at at a time. No crisps. Never been bothered. My friend ADORES CRISPS. No chocolate. (Occasionally i may treat self to a bounty bar, well its coconut mainly isn't it. Actually a very small amount of choc involved in bounty bars.)
Beer of course. Nothing disguises your 1500 sit up a week earnt abs more than a beer belly. Which i also do not have, but i am intrigued. IF i did give up drinking, EXACTLY how much difference would it make. And how fast would the difference be noticeable.
Defiantly something to ponder.
That's all for now.
More coming soon.
M. X
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
notty nose
Greetings earthlings.
so last Friday I rang my local tattoo/piercing studios and said "Hello, any space for a nose piercing today?"
"Yes come down now" they replied.
So i did.
Not being a stranger to piercings i knew what to expect. I've had dermal anchors for many a year. There's always the moment when having a piercing when you consider the pain you're about to go through. I'm OK with needles. But it IS a nose piercing and piercings that go through cartilage usually hurt. More.
so the time came, i counted down.........and in it went.
I didn't make a noise, just breathed deeply as told to by the lady. It CANED for like 2 seconds.
Bought a tear to my eye!
They then put the ring in, which was huge.
Apparently its because the hole needs to be bigger, so when you get the ring changed down it has room to move.
Am 5 days in now. And its starting to settle down now. Although i canny wait to get a smaller ring in it. One thing i noticed within a matter of hours is how much i touch my nose. And also how i realised. i cant put my finger up my nose anymore. Not that I'm really a nose picker, but now there is no room for it.
So the question I've been thinking all week is how do people with nose rings pick/clean their nostrils. Answer = you get a cotton bud and wrap a wet wipe round it.
Clean as a whistle!
Its been a week of worrying, I am a worrier. I cant help it.
A trait that has been subliminally handed down to me from my mother. Rather expertly if i may so.
I always say to her, she is the 'Olympic gold medalist' of worriers. To be around her when she is in worry mode is exhausting. I tell her she is wasting her energy, that worrying will do her ultimately no good. And yet i am exactly the same.
Its all to do with boredom. The kind of genuine frustration led boredom that only comes with unemployment.
When i had a job a bout 5/6 months a go i took pride and told the world, my name is...............i work as..............etc.
Its what people do.
It defines who we are, to a certain extent anyways.
This week alone i have encountered two people with whom i have had conversations about employment or lack there of. Yesterday on the bus this happened.
Lady; Hello how are you
Me; Yes OK thanks
Lady; Are you working?
Me; No not at the moment, got laid of from my last job
I always wander why this woman ALWAYS asks if I'm working.
Not "Hello, how are you you look well" or "Hello, hows your family"
I swear one of these days, when she says "Hello, are you working?
I'm going to smile back sarcastically and say something like "Yes I'm a rent boy, I'm loving it. Its very lucrative. Then give her a business card and tell her to give it around to anyone she felt may require my services or "Yes I'm a lawyer!" or something more inventive. Ideas in the comments below people? Discuss.
The second was a man, who always says hello. He at least asks after my general well being before out comes the obligatory "Hows work these days?" Now see here in lay my dilemma. Admit the job has ended OR pretend i am still at the job.
For some reason i could not bring my self to say it. So i smiled and said "Good thanks, still there." To which the man smiled and said "Oh that's good, well working seems to agree with you, you seem quite happy these days."
This is because i do the great British thing of keep calm and carry on. Endeavouring to but a "brave face" on not having a job. Because really that's what people expect of you isn't it. To keep up appearances in the face of adversity.
So i applied for three jobs last week, and applied for three today.
Hopefully i will be hired by some one soon.
Until then i shall be keeping calm and carrying on.
Thanks for reading
Bye for now.
M. x
so last Friday I rang my local tattoo/piercing studios and said "Hello, any space for a nose piercing today?"
"Yes come down now" they replied.
So i did.
Not being a stranger to piercings i knew what to expect. I've had dermal anchors for many a year. There's always the moment when having a piercing when you consider the pain you're about to go through. I'm OK with needles. But it IS a nose piercing and piercings that go through cartilage usually hurt. More.
so the time came, i counted down.........and in it went.
I didn't make a noise, just breathed deeply as told to by the lady. It CANED for like 2 seconds.
Bought a tear to my eye!
They then put the ring in, which was huge.
Apparently its because the hole needs to be bigger, so when you get the ring changed down it has room to move.
Am 5 days in now. And its starting to settle down now. Although i canny wait to get a smaller ring in it. One thing i noticed within a matter of hours is how much i touch my nose. And also how i realised. i cant put my finger up my nose anymore. Not that I'm really a nose picker, but now there is no room for it.
So the question I've been thinking all week is how do people with nose rings pick/clean their nostrils. Answer = you get a cotton bud and wrap a wet wipe round it.
Clean as a whistle!
Its been a week of worrying, I am a worrier. I cant help it.
A trait that has been subliminally handed down to me from my mother. Rather expertly if i may so.
I always say to her, she is the 'Olympic gold medalist' of worriers. To be around her when she is in worry mode is exhausting. I tell her she is wasting her energy, that worrying will do her ultimately no good. And yet i am exactly the same.
Its all to do with boredom. The kind of genuine frustration led boredom that only comes with unemployment.
When i had a job a bout 5/6 months a go i took pride and told the world, my name is...............i work as..............etc.
Its what people do.
It defines who we are, to a certain extent anyways.
This week alone i have encountered two people with whom i have had conversations about employment or lack there of. Yesterday on the bus this happened.
Lady; Hello how are you
Me; Yes OK thanks
Lady; Are you working?
Me; No not at the moment, got laid of from my last job
I always wander why this woman ALWAYS asks if I'm working.
Not "Hello, how are you you look well" or "Hello, hows your family"
I swear one of these days, when she says "Hello, are you working?
I'm going to smile back sarcastically and say something like "Yes I'm a rent boy, I'm loving it. Its very lucrative. Then give her a business card and tell her to give it around to anyone she felt may require my services or "Yes I'm a lawyer!" or something more inventive. Ideas in the comments below people? Discuss.
The second was a man, who always says hello. He at least asks after my general well being before out comes the obligatory "Hows work these days?" Now see here in lay my dilemma. Admit the job has ended OR pretend i am still at the job.
For some reason i could not bring my self to say it. So i smiled and said "Good thanks, still there." To which the man smiled and said "Oh that's good, well working seems to agree with you, you seem quite happy these days."
This is because i do the great British thing of keep calm and carry on. Endeavouring to but a "brave face" on not having a job. Because really that's what people expect of you isn't it. To keep up appearances in the face of adversity.
So i applied for three jobs last week, and applied for three today.
Hopefully i will be hired by some one soon.
Until then i shall be keeping calm and carrying on.
Thanks for reading
Bye for now.
M. x
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
breathe and reboot
hola comrades.
OK so the constant rain has stopped. Thank god. (Or at least for now.)
A wet bank holiday and being dumped, made for a distinctly average bank weekend.
God being dumped is humiliating isn't it. Especially when you know in your heart of hearts that you should have had the self confidence to get in there first and nip it in the bud a week earlier.
But alas no.
I'm Mr "Hang on in there, things may be about to change." But they never do really do they. Isually when you smell a rat. It is, in fact because there is a dead rat in the vicinity.
So yea there we go. Not heartbroken to be honest, just a bit disappointed.
It happens.
I think in light of arrival of summer and new shiny singledom update of image is needed. New hair cut/colour shall occour over the weekend along with a new piercing. I always think a change of image breathes new life into you. It changes the way the world sees you. And most importantly how you see yourself. Pics to follow.
Soooooooooo apart from that i had a good old smash up with my dear friend heather, she is lush. We drank, we talked, we drank, we ate chips, we got a taxi home. I had a very sinister but well earnt hangover on Monday.
In my last blog i said about how much i was looking forward to the new gossip album. Its not out yet but you can listenn to it streamed on the guardian website here. I think its a good album. Track number 8 is particularly RELEVANT. I think possibly the previous two albums had a harder punkier edge, but this album is certainly one of their more streamlined accessible albums. Overall a job well done. It flows very well and there are moments of pure joy. a joyful noise it really is.
Still twitching bout the scissor sisters release next week, bring it on.
I have also been embroidering onto my jacket which is coming along nicely.
Also i managed to finally make the perfect poached eggs. My sister gave me a masterclass as hers were amazing, here are the ones i made, with coffee from a proper plunger-coffee thing,
wholemeal seeded bread no butter thankyou very much.
I heard somewhere that butter is one molecule away from plastic, a fact that i just googled and is by all acounts untrue. It did say however that a spoon of either is equal to like 100 calories. So thats 700 calories a week i can save by not eating something that is basicly only habbit anyways. Have a biccie instead, at leat biccies are honest. you KNOW they'll make you fat.
My mother bought a packet of chocolate hobnobs the other day.
How may calories are there in ONE?
Dont know well i'll tell you.
Thats 7-8 minites on a treadmill people.
I cant justify the biccy intake like i used to.
Damn my unabashedly sweet tooth!
The butter and the less biccies are some of the ways i'm trying to be super careful with my diet. Combined with going to the gym, not drinking carbonated drinks, walking alot, and persevering with the gym and doing the free weights.
Toning up is so tough.
Though it will be worth it in the summer tho.
OK so the constant rain has stopped. Thank god. (Or at least for now.)
A wet bank holiday and being dumped, made for a distinctly average bank weekend.
God being dumped is humiliating isn't it. Especially when you know in your heart of hearts that you should have had the self confidence to get in there first and nip it in the bud a week earlier.
But alas no.
I'm Mr "Hang on in there, things may be about to change." But they never do really do they. Isually when you smell a rat. It is, in fact because there is a dead rat in the vicinity.
So yea there we go. Not heartbroken to be honest, just a bit disappointed.
It happens.
I think in light of arrival of summer and new shiny singledom update of image is needed. New hair cut/colour shall occour over the weekend along with a new piercing. I always think a change of image breathes new life into you. It changes the way the world sees you. And most importantly how you see yourself. Pics to follow.
Soooooooooo apart from that i had a good old smash up with my dear friend heather, she is lush. We drank, we talked, we drank, we ate chips, we got a taxi home. I had a very sinister but well earnt hangover on Monday.
In my last blog i said about how much i was looking forward to the new gossip album. Its not out yet but you can listenn to it streamed on the guardian website here. I think its a good album. Track number 8 is particularly RELEVANT. I think possibly the previous two albums had a harder punkier edge, but this album is certainly one of their more streamlined accessible albums. Overall a job well done. It flows very well and there are moments of pure joy. a joyful noise it really is.
Still twitching bout the scissor sisters release next week, bring it on.
I have also been embroidering onto my jacket which is coming along nicely.
It really is very satisfying work. Will defiantly do more of this in the future.
Also i managed to finally make the perfect poached eggs. My sister gave me a masterclass as hers were amazing, here are the ones i made, with coffee from a proper plunger-coffee thing,
wholemeal seeded bread no butter thankyou very much.
I heard somewhere that butter is one molecule away from plastic, a fact that i just googled and is by all acounts untrue. It did say however that a spoon of either is equal to like 100 calories. So thats 700 calories a week i can save by not eating something that is basicly only habbit anyways. Have a biccie instead, at leat biccies are honest. you KNOW they'll make you fat.
My mother bought a packet of chocolate hobnobs the other day.
How may calories are there in ONE?
Dont know well i'll tell you.
Thats 7-8 minites on a treadmill people.
I cant justify the biccy intake like i used to.
Damn my unabashedly sweet tooth!
The butter and the less biccies are some of the ways i'm trying to be super careful with my diet. Combined with going to the gym, not drinking carbonated drinks, walking alot, and persevering with the gym and doing the free weights.
Toning up is so tough.
Though it will be worth it in the summer tho.
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